Plott Puppy Pictures

Plott Puppy Pictures

Plott Puppy Pictures

Plott Puppy Pictures

Plott Puppy Pictures

Plott Puppy Pictures

Plott Puppy Pictures

Plott Puppy Pictures

Strong and muscular, bringing Plott including big games from a bear or a pig to actually bay or tree, endurance determination and bravery. today, Plott - who would become the state dog north carolina - is used to coonhunting additional extra for additional duties actually its antiquity. swish descent, shiny coat may be any color piebald (streaked or striped pattern of dark hair imposed connect with lighter background), solid black or saddle features or marks. in 1750, two young main Plott brothers left Germany and immigrated to actually American Hanoverian with 5 dogs. one brother died throughout the cruise, but the other one settled in north carolina, raised children and bred his dogs. in 200 years, the descendants of Plott is the mountain men who use their dogs to actually hunt bears and wild boar. dogs are known from the name of the dog family and is expressed as the plot.

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